Rexroth, J., Krebes, L., Wöhrmann, T., Harpke, D., Rabarimanarivo, M., Phillipson, P., Weising, K., Porembski, S.: New microsatellite markers for Xerophyta dasylirioides (Velloziaceae), an endemic species on Malagasy inselbergs. Applications in Plant Sciences 7(8),e11282, DOI: 10.1002/aps3.11282
Rabarimanarivo, M.N., Ramandimbisoa, B., Rakotoarivelo, N.H., Phillipson, P.B., Andriambololonera, S., Callmander, M.W., Porembski, S.: The extraordinary botanical diversity of inselbergs in Madagascar. Candollea 74(1), pp. 65-84, DOI: 10.15553/c2019v741a8
Boakye, E.A., Gebrekirstos, A., Hyppolite, D.N., Barnes, V.R., Porembski, S., Bräuning, A.: Carbon Isotopes of Riparian Forests Trees in the Savannas of the volta sub-basin of ghana reveal contrasting responses to climatic and environmental variations. Forests 10(3),251, doi.org/10.3390/f10030251
de Paula, L.F.A., Kolb, R.M., Porembski, S., Silveira, F.A.O., Rossatto, D.R.: Rocks and leaves: Can anatomical leaf traits reflect environmental heterogeneity in inselberg vegetation? Flora: Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants 250, pp. 91-98, doi.org/10.1016/j.flora.2018.11.020
Schick, A., Porembski, S., Hobson, P.R., Ibisch, P.L.: Classification of key ecological attributes and stresses of biodiversity for ecosystem-based conservation assessments and management. Ecological Complexity 38, pp. 98-111, doi.org/10.1016/j.ecocom.2019.04.001
Dimobe, K., Goetze, D., Ouédraogo, A., Mensah, S., Akpagana, K., Porembski, S., Thiombiano, A.: Aboveground biomass allometric equations and carbon content of the shea butter tree (Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertn., Sapotaceae) components in Sudanian savannas (West Africa). Agroforestry Systems 93(3), pp. 1119-1132, doi.org/10.1007/s10457-018-0213-y
Stein, K., Stenchly, K., Coulibaly, D., Pauly, A., Dimobe, K., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Konaté, S., Goetze, D., Porembski, S., Linsenmair, K.E.: Impact of human disturbance on bee pollinator communities in savanna and agricultural sites in Burkina Faso, West Africa. Ecology and Evolution 8(13): 6827-6838, DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4197
Dimobe, K., Mensah, S., Goetze, D., Ouédraogo, A., Kuyah, S., Porembski, S., Thiombiano, A.: Aboveground biomass partitioning and additive models for Combretum glutinosum and Terminalia laxiflora in West Africa. Biomass and Bioenergy 115: 151-159, doi.org/10.1016/j.biombioe.2018.04.022
Stenchly, K., Hansen, M.V., Stein, K., Buerkert, A., Loewenstein, W.: Income vulnerability of West African farming households to losses in pollination services: A case study from Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Sustainability (2018) 10, 4253; doi:10.3390/su10114253
Stein, K., Coulibaly, D., Stenchly, K., Goetze, D., Porembski, S., Lindner, A., Konaté, S., Linsenmair, E.K.: Bee pollination increases yield quantity and quality of cash crops in Burkina Faso, West Africa. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2017) 7:17691 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-17970-2, http://rdcu.be/CkYB
Krieg, J., Goetze, D., Porembski, S., Arnold, P., Linsenmair, K. E., Stein, K.: Floral and reproductive biology of Moringa oleifera (Moringaceae) in Burkina Faso, West Africa. Acta Horticulturae, doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1158.8
Gaisberger, H., Kindt, R., Loo, J., Schmidt, M., Bognounou, F., Da, S., Diallo, O., Ganaba, S., Gnoumou, A., Lompo, D., Lykke, A., Mbayngone, A., Nacoulma, B., Ouedraogo, M., Ouédraogo, O., Parkouda, C., Porembski, S., Savadogo, P., Thiombiano, A., Zerbo, G., Vinceti, B.: Spatially explicit multi-threat assessment of food tree species in Burkina Faso: A fine-scale approach. PLOS ONE. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0184457
Dimobe, K., Goetze, D., Ouédraogo, A., Forkuor, G., Wala, K., Porembski, S., Thiombiano, A.: Spatio-temporal dynamics in land use and habitat fragmentation within a protected area dedicated to tourism in a Sudanian savanna of West Africa. Journal of Landscape Ecology10(1): 75-95, DOI: 10.1515/jlecol-2017-0011
Koulibaly, A., Amon Anoh, D.-E., Konan, D., Goetze, D., Traoré, K.: Evaluation of the impact of clearing practice on vegetation for sustainable cacao culture in Côte d’Ivoire. International Journal of Science and Research 6(1): 44-50, DOI: 10.21275/ART20163891
Boakye, E., A., Hyppolite, D., N., Barnes, V., R., Porembski, S.: Importance of forest buffers for preserving soil carbon and nutrient stocks in farmed landscapes along two river sites in the savannas of the Volta basin, Ghana. Arid Land Research and Management, 31(2): 219-233, doi.org/10.1080/15324982.2016.1276984
de Paula, Luiza F. A., Leal, Bárbara S. S., Rexroth, J., Porembski, S., Palma-Silva, C.: Transferability of microsatellite loci to Vellozia plicata (Velloziaceae), a widespread species on Brazilian inselbergs. Braz. J. Bot. 40(4): 1071-1075, doi.org/10.1007/s40415-017-0396-x
Hounkpèvi, A., Azihou, A.F., Kouassi, É.K., Porembski, S., Glèlè Kakaï, R.: Climate-induced morphological variation of black plum (Vitex doniana Sw.) in Benin, West Africa. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 63(6): 1073-1084, DOI: 10.1007/s10722-016-0409-9
Krienitz, L., Krienitz, D., Dadheech, P.K., Hübener, Th., Kotut, K., Luo, W., Teubner, K. and Versfeld, W.D. (2016). Food algae for Lesser Flamingos: a stocktaking, Hydrobiologia 775: 21–50. DOI 10.1007/s10750-016-2706-x
Porembski, S., Silveira, F.A.O., Fiedler, P.L., Watve, A., Rabarimanarivo, M., Kouame, F., Hopper, S.D., 2016: Worldwide destruction of inselbergs and related rock outcrops threatens a unique ecosystem. Biodiversity and Conservation,Volume 25, Issue 13, Pages 2827-2830, DOI: 10.1007/s10531-016-1171-1
Boakye, E.A., Gebrekirstos, A., Hyppolite, D.N., Barnes, V.R., Kouama, F.N., Kone, D., Porembski, S., Bräuning, A., 2016: Influence of climatic factors on tree growth in riparian forests in the humid and dry savannas of the Volta basin, Ghana. Trees - Structure and Function, Volume 30, Issue 5, Pages 1695-1709, doi.org/10.1007/s00468-016-1401-x
de Paula, L. F. A., Forzza, R. C., Neri, A. V., Bueno, M. L. & Porembski, S. 2016: Sugar Loaf Land in south-eastern Brazil: a centre of diversity for mat-forming bromeliads on inselbergs. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 181 (3): 459-476, doi.org/10.1111/boj.12383
Koulibaly, A., Kouamé, D., Groga, N., Kouassi Kouassi, E., Bakayoko, A. & Porembski, S. 2016: Floristic characteristics of the mosaic and how forest progress on savanna in the Lamto Reserve Region (Côte d’Ivoire) ? IJDR 06 (5):7792-7799.
Qasim, M., Porembski, S., Stein, K. and A. Lindner 2016: Rapid Assessment of Key Structural Elements of Different Vegetation Types of West African Savannas in Burkina Faso. Journal of Landscape Ecology 9(1): 36–48, DOI: 10.1515/jlecol-2016-0003
Qasim, M., Porembski, S., Sattler, D., Stein, K., Thiombiano, A. and A. Lindner 2016: Vegetation Structure and Carbon Stocks of Two Protected Areas within the South-Sudanian Savannas of Burkina Faso. Environments 3(25), doi: 10.3390/environments3040025.
Hübener, Th. (2015). Diatomeen als Indikatororganismen in norddeutschen Seen – Wie weit zurück müssen wir schauen, um sichere seetypspezifische Referenzbedingungen im Sinne der EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie zu ermitteln? Rostocker Meereskundliche Beiträge 26: 65-78.
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Dreßler, M., Verweij, G., Kistenich, S., Kahlert, M. & Werner, P., 2015: Applied use of taxonomy: lessons learned from the first German intercalibration exercise for benthic diatoms. Acta Botanica Croatica 74(2): 211 – 232, DOI: 10.1515/botcro-2015-0017
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Dimobe, K., Ouédraogo, A., Soma, S., Goetze, D., Porembski, S., Thiombiano, A., 2015: Identification of driving factors of land degradation and deforestation in the Wildlife Reserve of Bontioli (Burkina Faso, West Africa). Global Ecology and Conservation 4: 559-571, doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2015.10.006
Yao, D., Sprycha, Y., Porembski, S., Horn, R., 2015: AFLP assessment of the genetic diversity of Calotropis procera (Apocynaceae) in the West Africa region (Benin). Genetic Resources and Crop, Evolution 62 (6): 863-878,.DOI: 10.1007/s10722-014-0197-z
Lemke, T., Janssen, A., Porembski, S., 2015: Multiple limitations to the persistence of Trollius europaeus in a fragmented agricultural landscape in the context of metapopulation theory. Plant Ecology 216 (2): 319-330 doi.org/10.1007/s11258-014-0439-3.
Hübener, Th., Adler, S., Werner, P., Schwarz, A., Dreßler, M., 2015: Identifying reference conditions for dimictic north German lowland lakes: implications from paleoecological studies for implementing the EU-Water Framework Directive. Hydrobiologia 742/1, 295-312 (DOI 10.1007/s10750-014-1992-4).
Kistenich, S., Dreßler, M., Zimmermann, J., Hübener, Th., Bastrop, R., Jahn, R., 2014: An investigation of morphology and genetics of Cyclotella comensis and closely related taxa. Diatom Research 29(4): 423–440
Lemke, T., Porembski, S., 2013: Variation in the reproductive performance of the Trollius-Chiastocheta mutualism at the edge of its range in north-east Germany. Oecologia 172: 437-447
Buczkó, K., Magyari, E., Hübener, Th., Braun, M., Bálint, M., Tóth, M., Lotter, A.F., 2012: Responses of diatoms to the Younger Dryas climatic reversal in a South Carpathian mountain lake (Romania). JOPL 48: 417-431, DOI 10.1007/s10933-012-9618-1
Chanu, L., Goetze, D., Rajeriarison, C., Roger, E., Thorén, S., Porembski, S. & Radespiel, U., 2012: Can differences in floristic composition explain variation in the abundance of two sympatric mouse lemur species (Microcebus) in the Ankarafantsika National Park, northwestern Madagascar? Malagasy Nature 6: 83-102
Jürgens, N., Schmiedel, U., Haarmeyer, D. H., Dengler, J., Finckh, M., Goetze, D., Gröngröft, A., Hahn-Hadjali, K., Koulibaly, A., Luther-Mosebach, J. C., Muche, G., Oldeland, J., Petersen, A., Porembski, S., Rutherford, M. C., Schmidt, M., Sinsin, B., Strohbach, B. J., Thiombiano, A., Wittig, R. & Zizka, G., 2012: The BIOTA Biodiversity Observatories in Africa: a standardized framework for large-scale environmental monitoring. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 184(2): 655-678. DOI 10.1007/s10661-011-1993-y.
Korte, N. & Porembski, S., 2012: A morpho-anatomical characterisation of Myrothamnus moschatus (Myrothamnaceae) under the aspect of desiccation tolerance. Plant Biology 14: 537-541.
Küster, M., Jahnke, W., Meyer, H., Lorenz, S., Lampe, R., Hübener, Th., Klamt A.M., 2012: Zur jungquartären Landschaftsentwicklung der Mecklenburgischen Kleinseenplatte. Geomorphologische, bodenkundliche und limnogeologische Untersuchungen am Krummen See bei Blankenförde (Mecklenburg). Forschung und Monitoring 3: 1-79.
Porembski, S., 2012: Ein Baum für Reisende - Flora und Vegetation Madagaskars. In: Pyritz, L. Madagaskar. Springer Spektrum: 23-30.
Siegmüller, A., Hübener, Th., 2012: Diatomeenanalysen an Briquetage aus dem Bereich der unteren Weser. Untersuchungen zum Salzhandel der Germanen. Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie, Bd. 216, 229-250.
Alkhalaf, I. A., Hübener, Th. & Porembski, S., 2011: Microalgae trapped by carnivorous bladderworts (Utricularia, Lentibulariaceae): analysis, attributes and structure of the microalgae trapped. Plant Div. Evol. 129: 125-138.
Dreßler, M., Hübener, Th., 2011: Diatomeenuntersuchungen zur Trophieentwicklung des Rugensees nördlich von Schwerin (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) während des Holozäns. In: Schülke, Almut: Landschaften - Eine archäologische Untersuchung der Region zwischen Schweriner See und Stepenitz. Römisch-Germanische Forschungen, Bd. 68, 337-359.
Dreßler, M., Schwarz, A, Hübener, Th., Adler, Sven & Scharf, Burkhard, 2011: Use of sedimentary diatoms from multiple lakes to distinguish between past changes in trophic state and climate: evidence for climate change in northern Germany during the past 5,000 years. JOPL , 45:223-241 (DOI 10.1007/s10933-010-9494-5.
Gottsberger, G., Meinke, S. & Porembski, S., 2011: First records of flower biology and pollination in African Annonaceae: Isolona, Piptostigma, Uvariodendron, Monodora and Uvariopsis. Flora 206: 498-510.
Konan, D., Goetze, D., Koulibaly, A., Porembski, S. & Traoré, D., 2011: Etude comparative de la flore ligneuse des plantations de cacao en fonction de l´âge et des groupes ethniques dans le Centre-Ouest de la Côte d´Ivoire. Annales de Botanique de l´Afrique de l´Ouest 7: 59-79.
Korte, N. & Porembski, S., 2011: Anatomical Analysis of Turgescent and Semi-Dry Resurrection Plants: The Effect of Sample Preparation on the Sample, Resolution, and Image Quality of X-Ray Micro-Computed Tomography (µCT). Microscopy Research and Technique 74: 364-369.
Korte, N. & Porembski, S., 2011: Wiederauferstehungspflanzen - Überleben an Extremstandorten. Natur Forschung Museum 141: 14-23.
Péli, E. R., Lei, N., Pócs, T., Laufer, Z., Porembski, S. & Tuba, Z., 2011: Ecophysiological responses of desiccation-tolerant cryptobiotic crusts. Cent. Eur. J. Biol. 6: 838-849.
Piba, S. C., Koulibaly, A., Goetze, D., Porembski, S. & Traoré, D., 2011: Diversité et importance sociale des espèces médicinales conservées dans les agrosystèmes cacaoyers au Centre-Ouest de la Côte d´Ivoire. Annales de Botanique de l´Afrique de l´Ouest 7: 80-96.
Porembski, S., 2011: Evolution, Diversity and Habitats of Poikilohydrous Vascular Plants. In: Lüttge, U., Beck, E. & Bartels, D. (eds.), Plant Desiccation Tolerance, Ecological Studies 215. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. pp 139-156.
Adler S., Hübener T., Lotter A., Anderson N.J., Dressler M., 2010: Diatoms relative abundance data vs. class data: implications for paleoecological reconstruction. In print: Journal of Environmental Management, doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2010.02.020
Goetze, D., Koulibaly, A., Porembski, S. & Traore, D. 2010: La dynamique récente de la végétation. In: Konaté, S. & Kampmann, D. (eds) Atlas de la Biodiversité de l´Afrique de l´Ouest Tome III: 342-348.
Korte, N. & Porembski, S., 2010: Suitability of Different Cover Crop Mixtures and Seedlings for a New Tree Row Management in an Organic Orchard. Gesunde Pflanzen 62: 45-52.
Kouame, F.N., Koulibaly, A., Porembski,S., Traore, D., & Ake Assi, L., 2010: Les Plantes vasculaires. In: Konaté, S. & Kampmann, D. (eds) Atlas de la Biodiversité de l´Afrique de l´Ouest Tome III. 162-165.
Koulibaly, A., Goetze, D., Porembski, S. & Traore, D., 2010: Agroforestry in different ecoclimatic zones of Côte d´Ivoire. In: Konaté, S. & Kampmann, D. (eds) Atlas de la Biodiversité de l´Afrique de l´Ouest Tome III: 360-361.
Koulibaly, A., Goetze, D., Porembski, S. & Traore, D., 2010: L´agroforesterie en fonction des zones éco-climatiques de la Côte d´Ivoire. In: Konaté, S. & Kampmann, D. (eds) Atlas de la Biodiversité de l´Afrique de l´Ouest Tome III: 358-359.
Koulibaly, A., Goetze, D., Porembski, S. & Traore, D., 2010: La place de la conservation ex situ en Côte d´Ivoire. In: Konaté, S. & Kampmann, D. (eds) Atlas de la Biodiversité de l´Afrique de l´Ouest Tome III: 380-385.
Koulibaly, A., Goetze, D., Porembski, S. & Traore, D., 2010: La production agricole et agrobiodiversité. In: Konaté, S. & Kampmann, D. (eds) Atlas de la Biodiversité de l´Afrique de l´Ouest Tome III: 350-357.
Koulibaly, A., Goetze, D., Porembski, S., Traoré, D. & Aké Assi, L., 2010: Vegetation characteristics and changes under cash crop cultivation in forest-savanna mosaics in Côte d'Ivoire. In: Van der Burgt, X., van der Maesen, J. & Onana, J.-M. (eds): Systematics and conservation of African Plants. Proceedings of the 18th AETFAT Congress, Yaoundé, Cameroon: 805-814, Kew.
Koulibaly, A., Kouame N´. F., Traore, D. & Porembski, S., 2010: Structure et régénération de la végétation ligneuse à Lamto. Ann. Bot. Afr. Ouest. (6): 56-72.
Kupe, L., Poçi, A., Miho, A. , Hübener, Th., 2010: Microscopic algae from karst lakes of Dumre region (Central Albania). Botanica Serbica 34 (2): 87-98.
Minden, V., Hennenberg, K. J., Porembski, S. & Boehmer, H. J., 2010: Invasion and management of alien Hedychium gardenerianum (kahili ginger, Zingiberaceae) alter plant species composition of a montane rainforest on the island of Hawai’i. Pl. Ecol. 206: 321-333.
Minden, V., Jacobi J. D., Porembski, S. & Boehmer, H. J., 2010: Effects of invasive alien kahili ginger (Hedychium gardenerianum) on native plant species regeneration in a Hawaiian rainforest. Applied Vegetation Science 13: 5-14.
Porembski, S., Finckh, M. & Orthmann, B., 2010: Flora and vegetation. In: Speth, P., Christoph, M. & Diekkrüger, B. (eds), Impacts of Global Change on the Hydrological Cycle in West and Northwest Africa. Springer-Verlag. Pp 66-69.
Schmidt, M., Agonyissa, D., Ouédraogo, A., Hahn-Hadjali, K., Thiombiano, A., Koulibaly, A., Goetze, D., Zizka, G., 2010: Changes in plant species composition following a climatic gradient in West Africa. In: Van der Burgt, X., van der Maesen, J. & Onana, J.-M. (eds): Systematics and conservation of African Plants. Proceedings of the 18th AETFAT Congress, Yaoundé, Cameroon: 823-828, Kew.
Sehen, L., Goetze, D., Rajeriarison, C., Roger, E., Thorén, S. & Radespiel, U., 2010: Structural and floristic traits of habitats with differing relative abundance of the lemurs Microcebus murinus and M. ravelobensis in northwestern Madagascar. Ecotropica 16: 15-30.